Daily follow-through and changing habits becomes harder when the goals feel big and far away. 

Train in a way that works for you


but with

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Cross-train your brain

When your brain is out of balance, it can get stuck on intense mode and you can’t shift into R&R mode.  
heart monitor
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Take charge of your mind

The biggest threat to your calm and performance is your mind. It will always be there when you get back from a run or workout, forget to take your supplements, come out of meditation, or the retreat high wears off. 

You can’t run away from it. But you can go straight to the source and learn how to take charge of your mind with neurofeedback. And you can do it at home.

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Ordinarily you can’t see what’s going on inside your brain. So how do you know what works and what doesn’t?  
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audio visual feedback icon
meditation icon

Know it’s working

Current approaches vs. Sens.ai

Fits into your work week 

Water Resistant

Lasting effects 

Quiets your inner critic 

Hard data on your brain's improvements 


Unguided Meditation 



Fits into your work week

Lasting effects

Hard data on your brain's improvements

Quiets your inner critic

Retreats + Clinics

Unguided Meditation



Take a look at Sens.ai

Your goals drive you

Be greater - achieve more

They also create worry, butterflies, restlessness, and stress, which could throw you off.

Your goals drive you

Be greater - achieve more

They also create worry, butterflies, restlessness, and stress, which could throw you off.

Take charge of your mind

The biggest threat to your calm and performance is your mind. It will always be there when you get back from a run or workout, forget to take your supplements, come out of meditation, or the retreat high wears off. 

You can’t run away from it. But you can go straight to the source and learn how to take charge of your mind with neurofeedback. And you can do it at home.

Take charge of your mind

The biggest threat to your calm and performance is your mind. It will always be there when you get back from a run or workout, forget to take your supplements, come out of meditation, or the retreat high wears off. 

You can’t run away from it. But you can go straight to the source and learn how to take charge of your mind with neurofeedback. And you can do it at home.

Take charge of your mind

The biggest threat to your calm and performance is your mind. It will always be there when you get back from a run or workout, forget to take your supplements, come out of meditation, or the retreat high wears off. 

You can’t run away from it. But you can go straight to the source and learn how to take charge of your mind with neurofeedback. And you can do it at home.

Take charge of your mind

The biggest threat to your calm and performance is your mind. It will always be there when you get back from a run or workout, forget to take your supplements, come out of meditation, or the retreat high wears off. 

You can’t run away from it. But you can go straight to the source and learn how to take charge of your mind with neurofeedback. And you can do it at home.

app on phone
looking ahead

© 2024 Sens.ai Inc.

Get Sens.ai 


• 1 Bluetooth headset

• 1 GeniusPulse™ Controller

• 1 protective travel case

• 3 regional power adapters

• 60-Day Free Trial Membership


Buy Now

60-Day Free Trial Membership automatically renews after the 60 days as an Annual Membership. Annual Memberships are $240 USD a year and the best value. Membership includes full Train mode, personalized Mission protocols, more light stimulation Boosts, progressive meditation training and all GeniusPulse™ assessments.


Buy now, pay over time with

• Medication may have side effects.

• Phone games don’t teach you how to go from hyperactivity to calm by yourself.

• Exercise can help you release extra energy and clear your head — or let more distractions in.

• Micromanaging your life creates an illusion of control.

• And most people won’t outgrow their attention and focus challenges.


There isn’t a magic pill

Take a look at Sens.ai

You have a WHOLE brain — complex, interconnected, kaleidoscopic. It works as an integrated unit. So to get control back of your attention and focus, you have to take a whole-brain approach.

It’s possible with neurofeedback

Attention and focus is one facet of your brain function

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animated app meditation
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Cavemen didn’t have TVs, texting, and whole buildings lighting up at them. They sat by the fire, and they hunted. They walked in the woods and grunted with friends.

Fast forward 50 thousand years. Your physiology wasn’t built for endless stimulation. So instead of your brain working for you, it starts to work against you, turning focus into tunnel vision and diversions into distractions.


Cavemen didn’t have TVs, texting, and whole buildings lighting up at them. They sat by the fire, and they hunted. They walked in the woods and grunted with friends.

Fast forward 50 thousand years. Your physiology wasn’t built for endless stimulation. So instead of your brain working for you, it starts to work against you, turning focus into tunnel vision and diversions into distractions.

More than you’re built for

The amount of inputs and stimuli you’re being hit with can turn your brain against you.

Take back control